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Found Out You Have Fatty Liver?

Do something now before your fatty liver condition turns into something much worse

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There are Only 2 Choices with Fatty Liver

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Reduce the fat in your liver and improve your liver function

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Do nothing and allow your liver function to deteriorate even further

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Fatty Liver Symptoms

Your fatty liver may make you feel tired or have discomfort in the stomach but, sadly, many people don’t experience symptoms even though their liver health is compromised. Your liver health is vital to your long term survival. Your liver acts as a filter to rid your body of toxins. When your liver is clogged with fat it can't do this function efficiently and the toxins build up in the body causing damage. Unaddressed fatty liver can result in a range of health issues from a compromised immune system to cirrhosis of the liver or liver cancer.  

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Underlying Cause of a Fatty Liver

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is mostly caused by how we live and what we eat. Fast food, too many sugary, fatty snacks and drinks, and not enough exercise, are the prime causes. The body struggles to process the food eaten and can’t turn it into energy, resulting in a metabolism disorder and the development of insulin resistance. This causes excess sugar to be circulating in the bloodstream and the body solves the problem of excess sugar by storing it in the body as fat.

Breakthrough in Understanding the Cause of Fatty Liver

The most recent research has determined that fatty liver is a result of this metabolism disorder and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is now referred to as metabolic-dysfunction associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) – a more accurate description.

Want to handle your fatty liver naturally?

As fatty liver is now understood to be the result of a metabolism disorder related to diet and lifestyle, then diet and lifestyle changes can make a positive difference.

This breakthrough in understanding the cause of fatty liver
has led to a breakthrough in addressing the condition with nutrition

Introducing Purelife Care+
Nutritional Breakthrough in Addressing Fatty Liver

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There are special, natural ingredients that help to support liver health. It can be helpful to consume these ingredients all in one supplement. Due to the quality of food available today, most people are deficient in the vitamins and minerals needed by the liver for optimal health.

Introducing Purelife Care+, the natural supplement that works at the cellular level to improve metabolism, reduce insulin resistance, inflammation, and help a fatty liver.

Purelife Care+
Natural Ingredients Designed to Support a Healthy Liver

Camel Milk

Camel milk may not be the first thing you think of when looking for a natural solution to fatty liver, and most likely you will be very surprised about the superfood nutritional benefits of camel milk.

Camels are unique animals, and they produce a unique milk with a composition rich in antioxidants, trace elements, immunoglobulins and insulin-like proteins that act to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the liver. Camel milk can also help increase fat metabolism in the liver to protect against, or improve, fatty liver.


Camel milk is rich in probiotics that help populate the gut with the correct types and ratios of beneficial gut bacteria. This supports gut health and the gut-liver axis. The gut-liver axis is the communication system between the intestine, its microbiome and the liver, so improving your gut health will improve liver function.

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Antioxidants to fight free radicals in the body and reduce the toxic load.

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Trace Elements

Calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, sodium, and magnesium for good health.

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Active immune nanobodies small enough to be used by the body to boost immunity.

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Insulin-like proteins

Insulin-like proteins to increase insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance.



The right types and ratios of beneficial bacteria to support a healthy gut-liver axis.

Vitamins and Minerals in Purelife Care+

Purelife Care+ is packed with nutrition that is vital to liver health and overall health. Camel milk contains 3 to 5 times more vitamin C than regular milk, and more vitamin A and essential B vitamins.

Camel milk also has higher concentrations of essential minerals, such as calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, sodium, and magnesium.

Then we added more:

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Vitamin C

Studies suggest that vitamin C is involved in regulating the balance of the liver and the lipids (fats) circulating in the blood, so it can be protective against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD.)

Higher vitamin C intake can restore gut-liver functions and antioxidant status (enough antioxidants available to fight free radicals in the body.)

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Vitamin D3

Vitamin D can affect liver function through the vitamin D receptor (VDR). VDR is naturally present in the liver cells and its higher expression can reduce inflammation in chronic liver conditions.

Liver disease has been strongly linked to vitamin D deficiency.

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Vitamin E

Vitamin E has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may have a positive impact on a fatty liver.

Vitamin E treatment has been shown to improve abnormal liver enzyme levels in people with a non-alcoholic fatty liver with metabolic syndrome.

What Can I Expect with Purelife Care+?

Our research has shown that by restoring the correct functioning of the liver, the liver is revitalized and then has the potential to start dissolving the excess fat stored within it.

That’s what Purelife Care+ does. Through necessary nutrition, it helps restore the metabolic functions of the liver and reestablish liver homeostasis (balance), allowing the liver to produce the optimum level of hormones.

Within 8 weeks of consistent use of Purelife Care+, the liver can regain its ability to start dissolving excess fat.

Click here to try Purelife Care+

What makes Purelife Care+ Different to other Supplements?

Unfortunately, many supplements do not provide the hoped-for nutritional benefits because the ingredients never make it to the cells where the nutrition is needed to improve health. Most of the ingredients in supplements are destroyed by the acid in the stomach and just pass out of the body. This is a waste of your time and money.

The effectiveness of natural nutrition depends on how quickly and efficiently the nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream and how easily the nutritional elements can pass across all cell membranes, access target sites within the cells, be absorbed, and interact with all the relevant enzymes and other cellular components. It’s a complex task because within each cell there are a minimum of 4,000 working enzymes and every cell type utilizes different types of enzymes.

Purelife Care+, the result of 27 years of research, offers the solution to this problem because it contains ERDS, natural ingredients that enhance absorption of the important nutrition by the cells.

ERDS improves the quantity of absorption of nutrients by 300% and the speed of absorption by 500% so the needed nutrition reaches the cells and you get the results you want.

x 300%

Quantity of
Nutrient Absorption

x 500%

Speed of
Nutrient Absorption

I’m ready to try Purelife Care+ Now!

Adopt a Liver-Friendly Lifestyle

Adopting a liver-friendly lifestyle can help support overall liver health

Fatty Liver Diet

Adopting a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for managing NAFLD or MAFLD. Focus on consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while limiting intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and saturated fats.

Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity can help improve your liver function and reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver. Consult your healthcare practitioner before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have existing health conditions.

Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for managing NAFLD (or MAFLD), as excess body fat, particularly around the abdomen, is a significant risk factor for the condition. If you’re overweight or obese, aim to achieve gradual and sustainable weight loss.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

While NAFLD is not caused by alcohol consumption, limiting or avoiding alcohol altogether is important for managing the condition. Alcohol can further damage your liver and lead to worsening symptoms.

The time to act is now!

Don’t forget, there are only 2 ways to go from here – improve your liver health through positive diet, nutrition, and lifestyle changes or do nothing and hope for the best. The second way usually doesn’t work out that well.

Your fatty liver won’t handle itself. Lack of optimum nutrition and lifestyle created your fatty liver condition and now it’s time to do something about it.

It’s time to try Purelife Care+!


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Nutra Wellness, LLC
1170 NE Cleveland St.
Clearwater, FL 33755

Phone: 866-531-8713
Email: info@qgenics.com

©2024 Nutra Wellness, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Qgenics and Purelife Care+ with ERDS are registered trademarks.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.